April 15, 2021

What are you bringing to your life?

Dear friends,

What if life gave us a GPS system that told us the location of things like happiness, belonging, or fulfillment and if we missed those opportunities a voice would pipe up and keep repeating “recalculating” until we turned around? Maybe this absence of a GPS is life’s way of telling us it is impossible to lose our way, take a wrong turn, or end up in the wrong place.

I wonder if fulfillment and satisfaction do not come from what the day brings to us, but from what we bring to the day? After all, life can bring us an experience, but it does not tell us how to respond to it. There is no GPS, only the profound gift of free will.

Today, you may be engaging in things that scare and challenge you or you may be going about a blissfully ordinary day. Whatever the day has brought you, I invite you to join me in taking a pause to consider what you want to create today and what you’re bringing to this day to create it.

Let’s hold this day as equal in its impressive improbability and stunning grandeur to every other day we have yet to experience, and engage in the beauty of creating our lives.

Much love,


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