All Classes, Groups, & Workshops

Authentic Leader
Join us for Authentic Leader, an intensive workshop for leaders who want to take their development to the next level …

Basic Life Support
HeartCode BLS is the American Heart Association’s blended learning system for Basic Life Support training. Participants first complete the online …

Bereaved Parents Group
This eight-week in-person group gives people grieving a child of any age a safe place to explore and express their …

Join Breaking Free of Chronic Pain, our six-week pain management class with Certified Yoga Therapist Laura Winslow. In this …

CenteringPregnancy® is group prenatal care. It’s an innovative way to get high-quality care and build a supportive community. This proven …

Chair Yoga and Qigong
Join Certified Yoga Therapist Laura Winslow and learn tools and techniques for improving mobility and enhancing self-care in this relaxing …

Childbirth Education
Get ready for the day your baby is born by joining us and other expecting parents in this interactive 4-hour …

Children’s Program
The Children’s Program offers support and education to children ages 6-12 and their adults. Children meet every two weeks with …

Join Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, a six-week education workshop for anyone with at least one chronic health condition. This program …

Circle of Grief
This grief offering gets to the heart of support by reminding group members that they are not alone. By sharing, …

Core Growth Series
Awaken your potential with our Core Growth three-workshop series: WellBeing, CrossOver, and LifeWorks. This personal development series is designed to …

CrossOver goes deep to the center of who you are, where the things …

Diabetes Self-Management Program
Learn about diabetes and take control of your health. This class is designed for people with a diabetes diagnosis. Participants …

Equity and Agility
Biases are patterns in the way we all take in information, especially about people we see as the same or …

Gentle Yoga
In our Gentle Yoga class, explore a low-impact system for mind-body wellness that includes a variety of postures and breathing …

Grace and Gratitude
A moment of grace is a moment in which an amazing, incredible thing happens for us, without effort on our …

This 6-to 8-week group allows members to be with others and explore the pain, loss, and emotional intensity of climate …

Hatha Yoga
This yoga practice helps participants connect the mind, body, and spirit through physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Wellness Coach …

Healing Hearts
This in-person group is for people grieving a death that may be complicated by elements of trauma defined by the …

Healthcare Interpreter Training
La Clinica’s Healthcare Interpreter Training helps prepare new healthcare interpreters. They are the bridge between healthcare providers and patients who …

Horizontes de Esperanza
Horizontes de Esperanza es un grupo de apoyo de duelo en línea de cuatro semanas en español. Es para personas …

InSight 1
Strengthen your ability to communicate effectively with a variety of communication styles, socially engage and create rapport while being authentic, …

InSight 2
The second workshop in our InSight series looks at ways you sabotage or limit your satisfaction in life and the …

InSight Master Practitioner
The final workshop in the InSight series prepares participants to provide coaching in communication, goal achievement, behavioral changes, and development …

Our InSight series is empowering and profound, guaranteed to lead you to stronger skills in communication, regulating your emotions, and …

Integrate explores our shadows—parts of ourselves we judge as negative because they do not align with who we think we …

La Comida Tiene El Poder de Sanar
Este grupo de cuatro semanas le enseñará qué alimentos comer para mejorar su salud.
Usted aprenderá sobre:
- Los

Leading with Equity
This workshop takes a relationship-based approach to integrating equity, diversity, and inclusion practices into recruitment, staff engagement, and serving clients. …

In LifeWorks, you hone the tools for an extraordinary life over three months. …

Listening Heart
Anyone can fall in love. Living in love happens when you make loving choices from moment to moment and day …

Manejo Personal de la Diabetes
Aprenda sobre la diabetes y tome el control de su salud. Esta clase está diseñada para personas con diagnóstico de …

Learn to cope with anxiety, chronic pain, and stress in our relaxing online Mindfulness course. Participants learn and practice focus …

Namaste, our annual workshop on how to become more spiritually aware, embraces myth and metaphor, ritual and enlightenment, and faith …

This series of classes covers the natural spiral process of grief, healthy mourning practices, the importance of ritual and ceremony …

Seasons of Grief
This in-person group begins in November and goes through early January to give people who are grieving a chance to …

Skill Group
Become a master of observation, reflection, and conscious choice. Learn to navigate the subtleties of communication and relating. Our Skill …

Spouse and Partner Loss Group
This 8-week group provides in-person support to people who have lost a partner or spouse. Participants get the time and …

For more than 30 years, our facilitators have honed their expertise through experience, training, and commitment to their own growth …

Sugar Knock Out
Improve your sleep, boost your immune system, and gain energy while decreasing inflammation.
This 5-week class is a chance to …

Suicide Loss Survivors Group
This 6- to 8-week group gives people grieving the suicide death of a loved one a safe place to express …

Tomando Control De Su Salud
Estas clases son para personas que hablan español y padecen de enfermedades crónicas como el diabetes, hipertensión, colesterol, ansiedad y …

Company culture, leadership structures, teams, and work demands change rapidly. The only constant in our work life is us. It’s …

True Colors
In our True Colors residential workshop, teens age 14 to 18 discover inner resources they never knew they had and …

Weight Loss Group
Reach and stay at a healthy weight with our weekly Weight Loss Group. Wellness Center Family Physician Justin Adams leads …

Making real, effective changes in your life takes more than dreaming. True growth …

Yoga for Grief
Yoga for grief is a movement practice focused on supporting participants in awareness and mindfulness. This practice offers an opportunity …

Zumba Toning
Zumba® Toning adds resistance by using light weights, which helps you focus on specific muscle groups so you (and your …

Zumba® is a great way to get in shape by having fun and dancing. Even if you don’t have a …

Zumba® Low Impact
Zumba® Low Impact offers a modified version of the popular Zumba® program and is gentle on the joints. This class …